Startups Weekly #10 – Comparison of European Startup Hubs

We take Dealroom’s latest report on the startup scene in Berlin as an opportunity to compare the European Startup Hubs. In which European city is the most value created by startups? Where are the most Unicorns? And how is the VC investment distributed among the European countries? These are the questions we’ll explore in today’s episode.

The e-Scooter hype continues, and the Berlin startup Wind Mobility has also been able to collect a good round of funding. All other exciting investments of the week can be found in our show.

At the end of the episode Alice Zagury, CEO & Co-Founder of The Family, gives 5 tips to founders, that she herself would like to have known before starting her business. More about Alice and female entrepreneurship you can find in our new format Female Founders with Johanna from fem.couraged.

We’ll take a short summer break and are back at the beginning of September with new episodes.

Simon Halder
Simon Halder
Simon ist leitender Redakteur bei StartupTV und unter anderem für das Format "Startup of the Week" verantwortlich.

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