Flic 2 Smart Button Ensures Your Routine Goes as Planned




Everyone has routines, no matter how simple or complex. To keep your routine intact, you can either use your phone or virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa. But these two options aren’t as straightforward as pressing a button to get things done. Flic 2 is exactly that.

Flic 2 knows what you want before you ask – all you need to do is tap the button. Think about the things you do without even thinking about it. You wake up, for instance – putting on the light, making coffee or lightening up your mood with good music. Flic 2 can get everything done with just a tap.

The smart button is designed with multi-app support, which enables you to initiate exclusive tasks for instance; you can put off the alarm while playing music. Flic 2 is cheap, durable and comes with a great clip.

