Kailo, a Nanotech Pain Reliever Without the Side Effects




One of the great ironies of life is that painkillers often have adverse side effects. In some cases these side effects can actually lead to even more pain and, in worst cases, result in death. According to RxList, the popular painkiller Acetaminophen (also known as Paracetamol) can even harm our liver or lead to liver disease. Kailo was created to be a more effective and ultimately harmless alternative to the painkillers that came before.

Kailo – The Future of Pain Relief

Most drugs have side effects – sometimes that’s the point – but Kailo doesn’t have any. Its approach to pain relief is a little different. Kailo uses billions of nanotech bio-antennas to target and relieve any discomfort. These nanocapacitors eliminate pain by interacting with the electro-chemical nerves in the human body. You see, the brain is programmed to give us a feeling of pain whenever something is wrong with tissues, organs or systems. Kailo’s job is to communicate with your brain to reduce the pain in a fast and flexible way.

Unlike painkillers, this product is a patch. The patch is applied to the affected area and not ingested. Therefore, your liver doesn’t have to go through the stress of detoxifying acetaminophen or morphine. With Kailo your body can enjoy pain relief free of any, well, extra pain. 

Here are some interesting facts concerning this product:

  • Kailo requires zero medication, making it a better alternative to drugs.
  • It is a safe, fast-moving and effective nanotech painkiller.
  • Its nanoparticles are coated with a waterproof substrate.
  • Kailo was founded by Stuart Fetze, an engineering graduate of the University of Utah. 
  • Kailo is fortified with billions of nanocapacitors that relate pain-relieving signals to nerves in the brain.
  • The main component of the product, nanoparticles, are protected by a carrier layer made of synthetic fiber.



