Knowingo: The Employee Training Game That Will Change the Way We Learn

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Traditional employee training courses simply don’t work. Just one week after completing traditional job training, the average employee has already forgotten 65% of the knowledge that they need to do their job well. One startup from the Netherlands aims to solve this problem and keep job-related knowledge at the top of employees’ minds.

Knowingo is an intuitive learning platform that seeks to change the way that companies train new employees with a trivia-style mobile game. Users get a set of questions that are curated by their employer’s training system and have to answer them as fast as possible, allowing employees to have fun while learning job-related knowledge. Just 3-4 minutes of using Knowingo each day keeps job-related knowledge at around 85%.

Learning by Playing

Driven by gamification and artificial intelligence, Knowingo learns the user’s unique learning style as they play, and knows when the user is about to forget something, reminding them when it’s time to refresh their memory. The platform allows companies to track knowledge in real-time, providing them with a live dashboard to see their progress.

Job training can be expensive, and companies are losing money if their employees are not learning from it. Knowingo aims to solve this problem by giving employees knowledge that lasts forever, with an intuitive game that makes learning more effective.

How Much Money Can Knowingo Save

The reduction in time and resources put toward employee training can save companies approximately $623 per employee each year, with a cost of just a few dollars a month per employee to use the platform. Knowingo even speeds up the onboarding process by 43% by reducing the time that employees need to spend learning for the job, allowing them to get to work sooner.

Knowingo is growing rapidly in the Netherlands and Germany with plans in the works to move into the UK and the US. They would like to cover all of Europe by next year, with hopes to revolutionize the way that people learn.

Magdalena is writing about innovations and recent investments in the startup world. Originally coming from Slovakia, Magdalena has been writing for one of the largest consumer electronics retailers in Europe and has now immersed herself into the world of startups. Her educational background in Finance and Business Informatics has given her a broad base from which to approach many topics. In addition to that, she is a tech geek, passionate photographer and a lifelong dog lover.

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