18. March 2021

How to Change your Company and Do it Well…with Carbon Offsetting

Written by Avatar

Building a society that is resilient against the challenges presented by climate change requires action on every level. From individuals itemising their carbon footprints and changing their behaviour, up to governmental decision-making that incentivises society to act on a mass scale to reduce emissions and the use of polluting substances/materials. Companies are also recognising their part in the fight to reduce global emissions, and many are taking action to reduce their climate impact. With an eye on leaving the world better than we found it, we’ve partnered with Plan A to produce the docuseries How to Change Your Company and Do it Well, a series that provides insights into the ways companies can reduce their climate impact through data-backed strategies, as tested by Plan A.

Our show is anchored by the founders of Plan A, Nathan Bonnisseau and Lubomila Jordanova, who have dedicated their careers to helping businesses address climate change through the use of carbon inventories and carbon reduction strategies, driven by the belief that business can still play a good role in the story. Throughout the series, viewers can hear expert advice from companies that either work directly on sustainability topics, or companies that have implemented tools to reduce their own emissions. We hope that through this combination of expert insight and case study, viewers can gain valuable takeaways and inspiration to take action at their own companies, whether you’re the CEO looking to align your company with a longterm vision for sustainability, or the concerned employee wanting to take climate action where you work.

The first episode is about Carbon Offsetting, an often contentious strategy that can be extremely powerful when used in the correct way. This episode covers the pros and cons, how did offsetting come about and what steps companies should take before choosing offsetting as the appropriate carbon reduction strategy and features three companies offering their insights and experiences. Fair Climate Fund discusses the origins and benefits of offsetting, along with considerations Seven Clean Seas gives insights into the unique field of plastic offsetting and making an impact overseas. Finally, DrSmile discusses what it was like to take part in their own carbon reduction strategy and offsetting projects.

Carbon offsetting is a powerful tool that allows companies to neutralise their carbon emissions by taking part in projects to balance out the share of emissions they are not able to stop. Gert Crieerlaard, Fund Manager at Fair Climate Fund explains,”The basis of offsetting is supporting others to reduce carbon emissions or support carbon sequestration in order to mitigate or compensate for your own carbon emissions.”

To learn more about how to reduce your company’s climate impact, check out the Plan A Academy.

Check out the episode for more insights.